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Sexual Violence and Delayed Justice

Representative Image The Element of Perception "She was Drunk," "Her dress was too short," "She asked for it," "Why was she out alone?" Do these statements sound familiar? Unfortunately, I am sure, they do. These are among the most common, absurd, and lame arguments that are often heard, following a crime as heinous as rape. And these types of sentiments aren't solely expressed in developing countries like India; even people from the most civilized western societies are pretty aquainted to similar excuses for sexual assault towards women. And when that's the case that portrayal of a country like our's in western media as a place that's full of misogyny and a place where rape and sexual assaults are a common phenomena, does seem a bit unfair. Statistically too, that assumption can be challenged, but does that really make a difference? It may not be the true picture, but it certainly is a reflection to some extent.  Undoubtedly, ...

1966 Bihar Famine: The Politics and Diplomacy

Diplomacy and Politics - Use of Bihar Famine In this article, we discuss the (1966-67) Bihar Famine of India, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson's response to it, PL-480 and more.  1966 Drought in India:  Reflections on the Past Famines are not unfamiliar on the Indian landscape. They have been experienced, feared and like all bad things—forgotten. Be it the two centuries of British occupation or the period before, famines have hit the Indian subcontinent hard and certain regions in particular even harder. While the war on famine picked up pace post-independence, it has been a bumpy ride with plentiful challenges. The latter half of British rule in India saw at least six major famines (1873-74, 1876, 1877, 1896-97, 1899, 1943), with fatalities in the millions. And the one that makes a prominent appearance as perhaps one of the worst famines of the twentieth century came piggybacking the Second Great War (WWII). This was the Bengal Famine of 1943, where imperial policies, inact...

The Political Circus

The Circus Begins Crowd gathering-in to hear speech of their politician Democracy or dictatorship, it's always about sustenance Nation's pride is but a false pretense Right wing or Left wing, take a  second  glance Ideologies are  hypocrisies  sugar-coated to finesse They care for you is what they  always  pretend Brainwashing  gullible  minds to meet own ends Rhetoric and clichés  though  meant for the  political  class Insensitivity to the  citizens  brushed  aside  as faux pass But  opinions  are divided, and the  truth  has a cost More like  saying  one  politician  is evil,  other  is not Either way,  whoever  gets the  power  wouldn't want to lose it That's  where  the corruption—then they just  abuse  it Elections then come  along  like a big bang Hyped as a  change  we cra...