Sexual Violence and Delayed Justice

Representative Image The Element of Perception "She was Drunk," "Her dress was too short," "She asked for it," "Why was she out alone?" Do these statements sound familiar? Unfortunately, I am sure, they do. These are among the most common, absurd, and lame arguments that are often heard, following a crime as heinous as rape. And these types of sentiments aren't solely expressed in developing countries like India; even people from the most civilized western societies are pretty aquainted to similar excuses for sexual assault towards women. And when that's the case that portrayal of a country like our's in western media as a place that's full of misogyny and a place where rape and sexual assaults are a common phenomena, does seem a bit unfair. Statistically too, that assumption can be challenged, but does that really make a difference? It may not be the true picture, but it certainly is a reflection to some extent. Undoubtedly, ...